Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Structure / Specification (EPIC POST)
Last Week:
So from our last pub meeting i was trying to think about a brief for what we want to accomplish and i got as far as this;
-what is our intent? ...see the venn diagram (show our work / discuss our work / talk about design / do some design)
-how will we accomplish this? ...a myraid of activties with tangible directed outcomes
-how will it be structured? ...a series of microbriefs either related to our project or not; split into timeslots over the three days
So despite the short meeting today i think we've made a lot of progress, ive tried to collate where i think we're up to. its pretty rambling but try to read it all to make sure we're all on the same page. and make sure you email or post your opinions.
our refined concept, based around a metaphorical (or possibly physical) structure of 'IN' tray and 'OUT' tray - where we use our design process to move objects/concepts/ideas from one side to the other.

the whole 'design perfomance' drawing very heavily on the concepts of the DESIGN MACHINE as well as 24hr design&make

the IN

we begin the process by bringing with us to the space an array of 'starting points' taken from our own projects process. liam will hopefully talk about this more in depth, but they might take the form of photographs, drawings, words, briefs or prototypes.
think of this as being like the 4000 plus brief...
we will then run through idea generation activties from which we hope to produce a load of post-its, which we will then combine with the other stuff we brought to make the initial 'IN tray'. i guess all the stuff could just be stuck on one wall which can also have shelves on which to hold prototypes.
these starting points then get developed into projects or artefacts which we aim to work on and explore over the next 3(?) days. hopefully shifting between the IN and OUT trays, via the third transitory space of 'PROCESS' a factory line
i was thinking the 3 days might be split into an itinerary of different activties which might look something like this;

only obviously with more different exciting things on it!
i think a good way of creating these activities could be through the use of special dice, which have on them different commands, split into vague areas of design like the ones shown on the timetable.

as well as the dice we have different 'devices' in order to select random post-it notes/ides/whatever from the IN tray;
so how would it work - lets say every 'preset time limit' (this could be flexible), a new 'activity' is started:
-several groups of however many is created out of the pool of us guys (and maybe participants - more on this later) maybe this process could also be automated somehow
-a concept is chosen for each group either by the members or at random or using the TOOLS which i'll discuss below..
-then depending on the time, one of the 'activity dice' is rolled, lets say the timetable says process.... so each group rolls a dice and one of them lands on DRAW
-that group would then have to draw some shit based on the concept(s) theyve chosen. lets say we have 4 groups of 4 at a time, all doing different things in the same space.
when the preset time limit is up we put what we've got on the IN or OUT shelf and start all over again. where we decide to place it may depend on a few things, or maybe we should stick to only putting things on the OUT, it depends on how much participation we get.
the OUT
ok so this is maybe slightly different than we discussed.. but i was imagining the out tray/shelf, could be a conduit for some USER PARTICIPATION so when we feel an idea is resolved, or it maybe needs some fresh eyes.. we put it on the OUT for visitors to play around with, maybe in the same manner with dice or whatver - but it would probably need to be a lot simpler and less demanding. when the public/other designers have done what they what to it they put ~it~ back at the IN tray. feeding back into our unholy factory of design.
this OUT might physically take the form of a shelf with stuff on, which we might have to pitch to people, or get them to draw how they would use it. whatever feedback (or.. er.. design juice?) we get would then feedback into the process. likewise, when we see something interesting or when we run out of stuff at the IN box then we grab stuff from the OUT box too.
in this way the differences between the OUT and the IN box get kinda burred, its best to think of the whole process like this;
yeah its kinda confusing, i think it will feel a lot more natural on the day when we actually have concepts and shit flying all over the place and getting lost/confused with awesome design grotesques style consequences!
i think it might be nice to have physical tools in the space which we can use as part of the process, like matt was saying about the spinning coffee table of post-it notes. in that way we can make it more dynamic as well as add a theatrical element for the audience; not just a room full of sweaty designers and yellow paper.
i was thinking of maybe tools for;
-ways we can generate ideas at the very beginning of the show - which we can put onto 'post it notes' - maybe like luke thompsons fruit machine spinner object thing or a random wikipedia page printer. i dunno...
-randomly select post-it notes/concepts ; throwing darts at a rotating board, or a conveyor belt or -comedy option- crystal maze style post-it note grab. another dice with audience generated post-it notes stuck on....
-tools for the public to use?

-so now we maybe need to think of process based activities other than -or part of- this dice method
-i was also thinking of maybe if we had computers at the IN's and OUT's so we can show videos and stuff. the ones at the OUT could maybe be on-the-fly recorded interviews with us explaining the projects we're working on diary room style. in this way the visitors will have some more media to interact with?
-we need to think of activities that members of the public can do with stuff from the OUT box, and how we can make it intuitive for them (eg a stack of post-its with DRAW HOW WOULD USE THIS OBJECT next to it, i dunno)
-im not sure about the idea of the IN space as a mini exhibition space for our final year projects... i think if people feel the need to do that we should leave the IN wall as a fluid area for the project-related starting points we bring to the show and feedback from the public and have another wall/space dedicated to explaining our personal work concisely, where we get like a foot square each?

or maybe we have to bite the bullet and forget about it entirely - just pointing people towards our websites or something if they ask us about our individual projects... we need to decide if shoehorning our projects in will work in the space or not.
-the logistics of the whole thing, i think we all need to input out 2 cents on how we can lay it all out and what we need
....ok, now MAKE IT REAL!!
So from our last pub meeting i was trying to think about a brief for what we want to accomplish and i got as far as this;
-what is our intent? ...see the venn diagram (show our work / discuss our work / talk about design / do some design)
-how will we accomplish this? ...a myraid of activties with tangible directed outcomes
-how will it be structured? ...a series of microbriefs either related to our project or not; split into timeslots over the three days
So despite the short meeting today i think we've made a lot of progress, ive tried to collate where i think we're up to. its pretty rambling but try to read it all to make sure we're all on the same page. and make sure you email or post your opinions.
our refined concept, based around a metaphorical (or possibly physical) structure of 'IN' tray and 'OUT' tray - where we use our design process to move objects/concepts/ideas from one side to the other.

the whole 'design perfomance' drawing very heavily on the concepts of the DESIGN MACHINE as well as 24hr design&make

the IN

we begin the process by bringing with us to the space an array of 'starting points' taken from our own projects process. liam will hopefully talk about this more in depth, but they might take the form of photographs, drawings, words, briefs or prototypes.
think of this as being like the 4000 plus brief...
we will then run through idea generation activties from which we hope to produce a load of post-its, which we will then combine with the other stuff we brought to make the initial 'IN tray'. i guess all the stuff could just be stuck on one wall which can also have shelves on which to hold prototypes.
these starting points then get developed into projects or artefacts which we aim to work on and explore over the next 3(?) days. hopefully shifting between the IN and OUT trays, via the third transitory space of 'PROCESS' a factory line
i was thinking the 3 days might be split into an itinerary of different activties which might look something like this;

only obviously with more different exciting things on it!
i think a good way of creating these activities could be through the use of special dice, which have on them different commands, split into vague areas of design like the ones shown on the timetable.

as well as the dice we have different 'devices' in order to select random post-it notes/ides/whatever from the IN tray;
so how would it work - lets say every 'preset time limit' (this could be flexible), a new 'activity' is started:
-several groups of however many is created out of the pool of us guys (and maybe participants - more on this later) maybe this process could also be automated somehow
-a concept is chosen for each group either by the members or at random or using the TOOLS which i'll discuss below..
-then depending on the time, one of the 'activity dice' is rolled, lets say the timetable says process.... so each group rolls a dice and one of them lands on DRAW
-that group would then have to draw some shit based on the concept(s) theyve chosen. lets say we have 4 groups of 4 at a time, all doing different things in the same space.
when the preset time limit is up we put what we've got on the IN or OUT shelf and start all over again. where we decide to place it may depend on a few things, or maybe we should stick to only putting things on the OUT, it depends on how much participation we get.
the OUT
ok so this is maybe slightly different than we discussed.. but i was imagining the out tray/shelf, could be a conduit for some USER PARTICIPATION so when we feel an idea is resolved, or it maybe needs some fresh eyes.. we put it on the OUT for visitors to play around with, maybe in the same manner with dice or whatver - but it would probably need to be a lot simpler and less demanding. when the public/other designers have done what they what to it they put ~it~ back at the IN tray. feeding back into our unholy factory of design.
this OUT might physically take the form of a shelf with stuff on, which we might have to pitch to people, or get them to draw how they would use it. whatever feedback (or.. er.. design juice?) we get would then feedback into the process. likewise, when we see something interesting or when we run out of stuff at the IN box then we grab stuff from the OUT box too.
in this way the differences between the OUT and the IN box get kinda burred, its best to think of the whole process like this;

i think it might be nice to have physical tools in the space which we can use as part of the process, like matt was saying about the spinning coffee table of post-it notes. in that way we can make it more dynamic as well as add a theatrical element for the audience; not just a room full of sweaty designers and yellow paper.
i was thinking of maybe tools for;
-ways we can generate ideas at the very beginning of the show - which we can put onto 'post it notes' - maybe like luke thompsons fruit machine spinner object thing or a random wikipedia page printer. i dunno...
-randomly select post-it notes/concepts ; throwing darts at a rotating board, or a conveyor belt or -comedy option- crystal maze style post-it note grab. another dice with audience generated post-it notes stuck on....
-tools for the public to use?

-so now we maybe need to think of process based activities other than -or part of- this dice method
-i was also thinking of maybe if we had computers at the IN's and OUT's so we can show videos and stuff. the ones at the OUT could maybe be on-the-fly recorded interviews with us explaining the projects we're working on diary room style. in this way the visitors will have some more media to interact with?
-we need to think of activities that members of the public can do with stuff from the OUT box, and how we can make it intuitive for them (eg a stack of post-its with DRAW HOW WOULD USE THIS OBJECT next to it, i dunno)
-im not sure about the idea of the IN space as a mini exhibition space for our final year projects... i think if people feel the need to do that we should leave the IN wall as a fluid area for the project-related starting points we bring to the show and feedback from the public and have another wall/space dedicated to explaining our personal work concisely, where we get like a foot square each?

or maybe we have to bite the bullet and forget about it entirely - just pointing people towards our websites or something if they ask us about our individual projects... we need to decide if shoehorning our projects in will work in the space or not.
-the logistics of the whole thing, i think we all need to input out 2 cents on how we can lay it all out and what we need
....ok, now MAKE IT REAL!!
Hi guys, I was thinking to call the exhibition 'FREE THINKERS', and to explore these two concepts through the connexions of our projects and the these two concepts itselves.
Our projects are quite related with the concept of freedom, and we can manage to design some activities to engage people with their approach to this rich field that also affect them.
I have seen the proposals and I quite like some of the layout and ideas!. Well just tell me what do you think, I was expecting a meeting today but nothing happen, see you soon so!.
Our projects are quite related with the concept of freedom, and we can manage to design some activities to engage people with their approach to this rich field that also affect them.
I have seen the proposals and I quite like some of the layout and ideas!. Well just tell me what do you think, I was expecting a meeting today but nothing happen, see you soon so!.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Me and ash meet up monday so just posting some of the ideas we had...excuse the aesthetic the colours have messed idea why!
Also thinking on the cup idea that we could make paper bits to go round the outside with quotes that capture us as designers, or capture our projects or captures our ideas about design on them and/or they could have some of our process drawings on them.
Thought a little bit about say how my project could work as an event...if for a couple of hours did a collaborative knit and I've always had tags for people to attach to their knitting and I was thinking the tags could have each of us's questions that we'd like to pose to people about social design, collaboration... on them.
Ash can't be at the meeting as she is in Glastonbury and I won't be there till 5 as I'm looking after Alice.
Hey Milan, I am really jealous of your creative brain... Awesome! I'm ashamed I was stuck in layouting tables, which should be just back of what we are doing with them.
Can people mix Green tea and Darjeeling tea, for example, from My project and Pablo's project by somehow? Or can people find their best tea by tracing our cultural motivation map on the wall?
Or these are too much to keep your idea simple.
Recording drawing, a chalk board and reusing cups idea are really flexible and has a lot of possibility. Why not!
Can we draw on a paper with spilled tea? Or more simply, if we serve tea with a paper plate "and a pen", we can stick their plates on the wall after they drink and draw.
And, but, on the other hand, in terms of drawing, good point of using a chalk board is people's drawing may interact each other on a big canvas (If someone draw a person, someone will draw a house for the person), and ofcourse lead a brainstorming atmosphere and feeling sharing experience.
We should do mapping our projects and find connections anyway to review our course before New Designers. And also if we do swapping projects, it's gonna be useful.
I am sorry for my absence to everyone. I will be not able to attend tomorrow as well because this week is the first trial week to me. I am going to manage next one. Please let me know the latest!
Can people mix Green tea and Darjeeling tea, for example, from My project and Pablo's project by somehow? Or can people find their best tea by tracing our cultural motivation map on the wall?
Or these are too much to keep your idea simple.
Recording drawing, a chalk board and reusing cups idea are really flexible and has a lot of possibility. Why not!
Can we draw on a paper with spilled tea? Or more simply, if we serve tea with a paper plate "and a pen", we can stick their plates on the wall after they drink and draw.
And, but, on the other hand, in terms of drawing, good point of using a chalk board is people's drawing may interact each other on a big canvas (If someone draw a person, someone will draw a house for the person), and ofcourse lead a brainstorming atmosphere and feeling sharing experience.
We should do mapping our projects and find connections anyway to review our course before New Designers. And also if we do swapping projects, it's gonna be useful.
I am sorry for my absence to everyone. I will be not able to attend tomorrow as well because this week is the first trial week to me. I am going to manage next one. Please let me know the latest!
Hey guys!
Sorry but i m back in Belgium so you wont see me for the meeting tomorow. However the blog is very good to keep in touch with you guys! So i hope you ll communicate! I have been thinking a bit and i ve got some ideas i d like you to hear.
For some activities on the development of our projects, i thought that following Stacey s idea, we could swap projects for half a day or less. So for example i would design using Luke's concept, he would design something following mine, Liam would do something to do with Pablo's concept and vice versa ect ect ect. It would be quite nice to see how different people design for what you have been doing for a year. I m not talking about a polished finished object, even a sketch could be enough!
For the visual identity of the show, we want to go for the tea idea, now we should decided if we want to do it more in a cafee way (a space that looks more like a place where you buy tea) Or more like a house environment with the kettle, a bottle of milk, a big pack of sugar...
Also with the tea idea, i though that we could reuse used paper cup, plastic spoons, even tea bags to design new stuff. We could also do small events like ''Design your own tea bag'' and people could chose from different teas to mix and to shape in a tea bag. To kind of give them the opportunity to interact with our space. Or we could melt down the platic spoons and give them a new shape that the users could go away with.
Another thing is that I was thinking of a way to cover the walls, or at least to find a way to start it. We could give 10-20 pics each of our icons, influences, favorite movie scenes (a screen capture), favorite book quotes... So that we could share with people our cultural motivations. And i m quite sure that we could make connections between all of our influences.
The last idea i had was to use the massive chalk board we have in the studio and use it as a ''touch screen'' table. We put loads of chalks on the table and we give one theme every hour, people draw whatever they want about this theme, after an hour we take a pic of the table, erase the whole thing and start with a new theme. The picture get printed and we stick it to the wall. Why i think the chalk board should be used as a table is because like that people can actually sit down, with their tea, thake their time to draw with the chalks (probably avoiding the famous penis drawing), and also the table would be 'attacked by the drawers on every angle, leading to meetings, discussions and a psychedelic drawing hopefully!
Thats pretty much all I had to say for this time, I hope you ll discuss it and let me know about how things are going! I really wished i could be there but my tickets were booked since quite a while...
Au revoir les amis.
Sorry but i m back in Belgium so you wont see me for the meeting tomorow. However the blog is very good to keep in touch with you guys! So i hope you ll communicate! I have been thinking a bit and i ve got some ideas i d like you to hear.
For some activities on the development of our projects, i thought that following Stacey s idea, we could swap projects for half a day or less. So for example i would design using Luke's concept, he would design something following mine, Liam would do something to do with Pablo's concept and vice versa ect ect ect. It would be quite nice to see how different people design for what you have been doing for a year. I m not talking about a polished finished object, even a sketch could be enough!
For the visual identity of the show, we want to go for the tea idea, now we should decided if we want to do it more in a cafee way (a space that looks more like a place where you buy tea) Or more like a house environment with the kettle, a bottle of milk, a big pack of sugar...
Also with the tea idea, i though that we could reuse used paper cup, plastic spoons, even tea bags to design new stuff. We could also do small events like ''Design your own tea bag'' and people could chose from different teas to mix and to shape in a tea bag. To kind of give them the opportunity to interact with our space. Or we could melt down the platic spoons and give them a new shape that the users could go away with.
Another thing is that I was thinking of a way to cover the walls, or at least to find a way to start it. We could give 10-20 pics each of our icons, influences, favorite movie scenes (a screen capture), favorite book quotes... So that we could share with people our cultural motivations. And i m quite sure that we could make connections between all of our influences.
The last idea i had was to use the massive chalk board we have in the studio and use it as a ''touch screen'' table. We put loads of chalks on the table and we give one theme every hour, people draw whatever they want about this theme, after an hour we take a pic of the table, erase the whole thing and start with a new theme. The picture get printed and we stick it to the wall. Why i think the chalk board should be used as a table is because like that people can actually sit down, with their tea, thake their time to draw with the chalks (probably avoiding the famous penis drawing), and also the table would be 'attacked by the drawers on every angle, leading to meetings, discussions and a psychedelic drawing hopefully!
Thats pretty much all I had to say for this time, I hope you ll discuss it and let me know about how things are going! I really wished i could be there but my tickets were booked since quite a while...
Au revoir les amis.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Variations of the plan
I just realised probably I was missing an important thing. Do we use materials from the last show in Brick Lane? If so, please forget the layout in my last post.
Then, I mess around with the file Liam sent for us. I think Liam's plan is actually simple and well designed already, so these are more for inspirations to think about activities in the place. I used measurements of full or half or quarter of the box we used.

Then, I mess around with the file Liam sent for us. I think Liam's plan is actually simple and well designed already, so these are more for inspirations to think about activities in the place. I used measurements of full or half or quarter of the box we used.

that sounds pretty good! I quite like that mug website too. Lets work on that! When we had the meeting with Matt, he suggested us to find activities to do with people, to make the space more interactive, maybe it would be good if we think about small events to do. Anyway i hope your placement is going well!
design cafe in New Designers
I am sorry for missing the last meeting. I started a work placement and probably cannot be in the next meeting as well. I will try to manage to attend the next next one. This blog is actually really helpful to me.
I met some people just after the last meeting and heard about the cafe idea briefly. As long as it will be allowed to serve drinks, I think it's great idea! We can stand out in Business Design Centre. Actually, in that kind of shows, people usually get tired to walk and see a lot of similar stuffs, and need a rest. We can give them some relax space in New Designers, like drifting people find an island in the sea.
I think space can be more flexible and feel free. Otherwise, it's gonna be too packed and give some pressure to visitors. It's just abstract image of an idea of the layout without any details.
We take a place anywhere and welcome visitors. You can talk about your project with some portable images (like a portfolio) you will bring. No talking about project and just chatting is also fine. If we make a time table to allocate students to each table, we can put our shift with the show graphics on the wall.

Visitors can take an easy appointment by this. Of course you can sit anywhere as long as there are free places and talking with visitors whole day if you want.
I like the idea giving some design in cups or objects in the cafe.
My textile friend printed her works on a mug as product and she said she did it in Jessops.
Printing images of each student's work on the mug like our business cards is fun. I want to have mine. And also, if we display them on a shelf in the cafe, it must be sweet.
Or just buy a plain mug and draw something by pen.
Or vistors may draw something on the mugs, plate, table or something in the cafe. Normally we are not allowed to draw any graffiti in Starbucks or Cafe Nero or Costa... Probably using paper cups instead of mugs are good in this case.
Personally, I'd also like to go extreme like just doing Design Cafe without showing individual works or just providing chairs to visitors take a rest in New Designers. But it depends on our common aim for the show...
I met some people just after the last meeting and heard about the cafe idea briefly. As long as it will be allowed to serve drinks, I think it's great idea! We can stand out in Business Design Centre. Actually, in that kind of shows, people usually get tired to walk and see a lot of similar stuffs, and need a rest. We can give them some relax space in New Designers, like drifting people find an island in the sea.
I think space can be more flexible and feel free. Otherwise, it's gonna be too packed and give some pressure to visitors. It's just abstract image of an idea of the layout without any details.

We take a place anywhere and welcome visitors. You can talk about your project with some portable images (like a portfolio) you will bring. No talking about project and just chatting is also fine. If we make a time table to allocate students to each table, we can put our shift with the show graphics on the wall.

Visitors can take an easy appointment by this. Of course you can sit anywhere as long as there are free places and talking with visitors whole day if you want.
I like the idea giving some design in cups or objects in the cafe.
My textile friend printed her works on a mug as product and she said she did it in Jessops.
Printing images of each student's work on the mug like our business cards is fun. I want to have mine. And also, if we display them on a shelf in the cafe, it must be sweet.
Or just buy a plain mug and draw something by pen.
Or vistors may draw something on the mugs, plate, table or something in the cafe. Normally we are not allowed to draw any graffiti in Starbucks or Cafe Nero or Costa... Probably using paper cups instead of mugs are good in this case.
Personally, I'd also like to go extreme like just doing Design Cafe without showing individual works or just providing chairs to visitors take a rest in New Designers. But it depends on our common aim for the show...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Floor Plan
I knocked this up in illustrator yesterday... looks like we would have room for a space in the middle. If anyone wants the .ai file let me know and i'll email it out...

Tea design of cups
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