Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hey guys!
Sorry but i m back in Belgium so you wont see me for the meeting tomorow. However the blog is very good to keep in touch with you guys! So i hope you ll communicate! I have been thinking a bit and i ve got some ideas i d like you to hear.

For some activities on the development of our projects, i thought that following Stacey s idea, we could swap projects for half a day or less. So for example i would design using Luke's concept, he would design something following mine, Liam would do something to do with Pablo's concept and vice versa ect ect ect. It would be quite nice to see how different people design for what you have been doing for a year. I m not talking about a polished finished object, even a sketch could be enough!

For the visual identity of the show, we want to go for the tea idea, now we should decided if we want to do it more in a cafee way (a space that looks more like a place where you buy tea) Or more like a house environment with the kettle, a bottle of milk, a big pack of sugar...
Also with the tea idea, i though that we could reuse used paper cup, plastic spoons, even tea bags to design new stuff. We could also do small events like ''Design your own tea bag'' and people could chose from different teas to mix and to shape in a tea bag. To kind of give them the opportunity to interact with our space. Or we could melt down the platic spoons and give them a new shape that the users could go away with.

Another thing is that I was thinking of a way to cover the walls, or at least to find a way to start it. We could give 10-20 pics each of our icons, influences, favorite movie scenes (a screen capture), favorite book quotes... So that we could share with people our cultural motivations. And i m quite sure that we could make connections between all of our influences.

The last idea i had was to use the massive chalk board we have in the studio and use it as a ''touch screen'' table. We put loads of chalks on the table and we give one theme every hour, people draw whatever they want about this theme, after an hour we take a pic of the table, erase the whole thing and start with a new theme. The picture get printed and we stick it to the wall. Why i think the chalk board should be used as a table is because like that people can actually sit down, with their tea, thake their time to draw with the chalks (probably avoiding the famous penis drawing), and also the table would be 'attacked by the drawers on every angle, leading to meetings, discussions and a psychedelic drawing hopefully!

Thats pretty much all I had to say for this time, I hope you ll discuss it and let me know about how things are going! I really wished i could be there but my tickets were booked since quite a while...

Au revoir les amis.

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