Based upon this brief that we have for ourselves we need to 'design' our inputs, and present our outputs. The idea is to bring our work into new designers in a way that allows us to discuss it and talk about it with people that might be interested, and then to send it through a new 'process' so that we might arrive at more ideas or thoughts about the work that are documentable and able to be taken forward into new paths of research, and potentially, new outcomes.
To collect items of research (already within your work) that you feel might be interesting, whether they went on to be useful or if they still just sit in a sketch book or post-it somewhere. Some examples of these might be
- Quote
- Word
- Photograph
- Drawing
- Interview
- Essay
- Model
- Prototype
- Scrawl on a napkin
- Short piece of film
- Post-it note
- Small objects
- Recorded conversation
- Piece of clothing
- Performance (documentable/performable somehow)
There is no limit 'conceptually', just bear in mind that we have limited space, so think carefully how these can be presented (no benches! but a photograph of a bench or a video on an ipod about it is fine). Each person should have at least 6 inputs, and I think the more the better.
We have already reached a series of outputs, i.e. the work that we exhibited on brick lane, so it doesn't make sense to have these as inputs to a new process. Instead these can be presented in the 'outputs' section of the exhibition as a piece that has come to realisation based upon our research. Then, if we feel the need to, they can be taken as inputs and taken through another process.
We need to collect these outputs too, again it's about size, I would say a maximum of two 'outputs' and these need to be smaller than 30cm cube.
To summarise, the brief is to arrive at at least 5 'inputs' that can be used to inform a process in the new designers space, and to design a way to show 2 outputs.
Thurday 19th, this gives us a week before new designers to see if we can get everything in the space.
19th - you realise it starts on the 16th?!